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昨天看了 ebay-scalability-best-practices ,做了简单的摘要记录:


Best Practice #1: Partition by Function
Further, the more decoupled that unrelated functionality can be, the more flexibility you will have to scale them independently of one another.

Best Practice #2: Split Horizontally
无状态的应用服务器,没有事务,任意扩展--scale out
数据库:肯定是有状态的  shard 简单的取模分割,扩展  取模的key可以是很多

Best Practice #3: Avoid Distributed Transactions
The CAP theorem, postulated almost 10 years ago by Inktomi's Eric Brewer, states that of three highly desirable properties of distributed systems - consistency (C), availability (A), and partition-tolerance (P) - you can only choose two at any one time. For a high-traffic web site, we have to choose partition-tolerance, since it is fundamental to scaling. For a 24x7 web site, we typically choose availability. So immediate consistency has to give way.

Best Practice #4: Decouple Functions Asynchronously
Techniques like SEDA (Staged Event-Driven Architecture) can be used for asynchrony inside an individual component while retaining an easy-to-understand programming model. Between components, the principle is the same -- avoid synchronous coupling as much as possible.

Best Practice #5: Move Processing To Asynchronous Flows

Best Practice #6: Virtualize At All Levels
对上层调用者屏蔽实现细节 O-R LVS-balance都是属于这种

Best Practice #7: Cache Appropriately
避免cache滥用,造成系统对cache 可用性的依赖,影响系统的可靠性。


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